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Top 10 Resources to Supercharge Your Web Development Journey

Web development can be difficult, but with the right tools the journey could be a smooth ride. There are various resources available for developers, with the rise of AI making it even easier for web developers to bootstrap applications. Here are top 10 resources that you will wish you knew earlier.

1. Next.js:

Next.js is a React framework highly recommended by the React team for building React applications. Next.js is super fast as it enables static site generation( This thing does not have a single html page, wow). Next.js has several developer tools, such as server-side rendering, making routing and authentication seamless. It's great for SEO and performance and has many built-in features that make development easier. However, Next also comes with some challenges, such as errors that are not easy to read and pre-rendering, which fetches data after navigating to a page; thus, if you need to change something during the next navigation, this becomes challenging.

2. is a schematic database that empowers web development without building custom backends. It offers an intuitive content management system (CMS) and an API for quickly creating and managing content. allows developers to focus on front-end development while seamlessly integrating with their preferred backend data. This site is super helpful, especially if you are building a blog.

3. Tailwind CSS:

At first, tailwind css looks like blasphemy, with many bloated html classes that make your code difficult to read. However, tailwind s a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to style your web pages. It's great for beginners and experienced developers and is very flexible. Tailwind allows for code reusability through the @apply directive and also has a UI library (Tailwind UI) that can supercharge web development without writing any CSS.

4. Material and Daisy UI:

Material UI and Daisy UI are powerful UI component libraries that offer a rich selection of pre-designed and customizable components. Material UI adheres to the Material Design guidelines, while Daisy UI provides a lightweight and elegant component set. Both libraries save developers time by offering ready-to-use components for their web applications.


Framer is similar to Figma but has an AI tool that generates a website design super-fast. Using a framer, you can generate your design inspiration within seconds. Framer also allows you to customize the generated site to your preference. Other similar tools include and Durable.

6. Webflow:

The age of no-code websites is here, and webflow is the king in this arena. Webflow is a visual web design and development tool that bridges the gap between design and development. It allows developers to create responsive websites without writing code, providing a drag-and-drop interface, powerful styling options, and a content management system (CMS). Furthermore, Webflow also allows you to add javascript code for interactivity and host your website for free.

7. Firebase and Supabase:

Firebase is a google cloud platform that helps build and deploy websites. However, the most useful Firebase feature is hosting web APIs and allowing users to sign in using their Google accounts (This is similar to what is offered by Auth0 ). However, firebase also provides hosting, real-time database, authentication, and cloud functions. Firebase simplifies backend development and empowers developers to focus on creating exceptional front-end experiences. Supabase is a free alternative to firebase.

8. Express.js:

Express is a JavaScript library for backend development integrated with node.js. Express helps build the backend with javascript and makes it easier to deploy APIs. It simplifies building web applications and APIs by providing robust features and middleware. Express.js is highly extensible and widely used in the Node.js ecosystem, making it an excellent choice for web developers.

9. Midjourney:

First, mid-journey is only partially free and available in their discord channel. Midjourney is a popular AI tool enabling individuals to generate text images. Most developers use Midjourney to inspire their designs and create stunning visuals and 3D Models. If you do not know Photoshop, mid-journey got you covered. For free alternatives, check DALLE.E and Blue WIllow (available on discord)

10. JQuery:

JQuery can be less useful when using frameworks such as React. However, while building sites with vanilla javascript, JQuery makes selecting DOM elements, event handling, and animation easier. For example, to select an h1 tag using JQuery, we use a dollar sign $(h1).

Other tools not mentioned in this list include vercel v0, which helps develop frontend designs and codes, AI tools such as Gemini and Bing, Google Fonts, Vercel and many more. Kindly share your favorite resources below.

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Tips and Tricks for Mastering Typography

As a developer, you either accept that you suck at typography, or choose to live your life watching a random guy explain how to choose typography on YouTube. I have seen numerous videos and spent several hours watching tutorials on how to choose fonts.

Various youtubers have made videos explaining the self-proclaimed rules of choosing typefaces. However, watching these videos will not help you choose the best fonts, rather leave you more confused and out of options. The choice of the font really depends on the style of the website, the target audience and the intended message.

However, it is increasingly difficult to find good-looking free fonts. Sans based fonts are most go to fonts for the modern websites, although some designers think the system fonts are a better alternative due to their stability.


Typography is everywhere we look. It's in the books we read, on the websites we visit, even in everyday life—on street signs, bumper stickers, and product packaging. But what exactly is typography? Simply put, typography is the style or appearance of text. It can also refer to the art of working with text—something you probably do all the time if you create documents or other projects for work, school, or yourself.

Watch the video below to learn more about typography.

Common types of fonts

Typography can be an intimidating subject, but it doesn't have to be. You only need to know a little to make a big difference in the stuff you do every day. So let's get started. First, some common types of fonts and what you need to know about them.

Serif fonts

Serif fonts have little strokes called serifs attached to the main part of the letter.

example of a serif font

Because of their classic look, they're a good choice for more traditional projects. They're also common in print publications, like magazines and newspapers.

serif fonts in a magazine

Sans serif fonts

Sans serif fonts don't have that extra stroke—hence the name, which is French for without serif.

sans serif fonts

This style is considered more clean and modern than serif fonts. Also, it tends to be easier to read on computer screens, including smartphones and tablets.

sans serif fonts on a website

Display fonts

Display fonts come in many different styles, like script, blackletter, all caps, and just plain fancy.

display fonts

Because of their decorative nature, display fonts are best for small amounts of text, like titles and headers and more graphic-heavy designs.

using display fonts

Choosing a font

In a way, fonts have their own language. They all have something to say beyond the words on the page. They can come across as casual or neutral, exotic or graphic. That's why it's important to think about your message, then choose a font that fits.

choosing a font style

Fonts to avoid

Some fonts come with extra baggage, including Comic Sans, Curlz, and Papyrus. There's nothing particularly wrong with these fonts—they just have a certain reputation for being outdated and overused.

commonly overused fonts

If you find yourself tempted by them, think twice and consider using something else. There are many fonts with a similar look and feel that are less likely to detract from your message.

Combining fonts

When deciding which fonts to use, less is more. It's best to limit yourself to one or two per project. If you need more contrast, try repeating one of your fonts in a different size, weight, or style. This trick is practically foolproof for creating interesting combinations that work.

combining different fonts

You've probably heard that opposites attract. The same is true for fonts. Don't be afraid to combine font styles that are different but complementary, like sans serif with serif, short with tall, or decorative with simple. This can be challenging at first, but don't despair. Look to other designs for inspiration, and soon you'll get the hang of it.

common font combinations

Other important terms

Maybe you've heard terms like kerning, leading, tracking, and hierarchy. For those with more experience, these concepts are essential for creating professional-looking designs. As a beginner, you don't need to know everything about these terms—just enough to inform your work and help you talk about design with more confidence.

talking about design to a crowd


Hierarchy is used to guide the reader's eye to whatever is most important. In other words, it shows them where to begin and where to go next using different levels of emphasis.

text hierarchy

Establishing hierarchy is simple: Just decide which elements you want the reader to notice first, then make them stand out. High-level items are usually larger, bolder, or different in some way. Remember to keep it simple and stick to just a few complementary styles.

using hierarchy on a business card


Leading (rhymes with wedding) is the space between lines of text, also known as line spacing.

leading, or line spacing

If you're not sure how much line spacing to use, don't fret—the default is usually fine. The goal is to make your text as comfortable to read as possible. Too much or too little spacing, as in the example below, can make things unpleasant for the reader.

too much or little line spacing makes the text hard to read


Tracking is the overall space between characters, sometimes called character spacing. Most programs let you condense or expand this depending on your needs.

text tracking, or character spacing

In some designs, you might adjust your tracking to create a certain artistic effect. It can also help you fix fonts that are poorly spaced to begin with.

adjusting tracking


Kerning is the space between specific characters. Unlike tracking, it varies over the course of the word because each letter fits together differently.

example of kerning

Some fonts have what we call bad kerning, making certain letters look improperly spaced. If a font you're using has bad kerning, it's best to cut your losses and choose something else.

example of bad font kerning

Putting it all together

Well-crafted text can mean the difference between something ordinary and something extraordinary—even if you're just getting started with design. All it takes is an interest in typography and you'll start to notice more, see more, and be able to do more in your own work.

example of different projects

Ultimately, your ideal font choice might be like a barber. You need to die with it. Here is my current font list:

Futura, Century,  Garamond, Montserrat, Quattrocento, Noto Sans, Poppins, Satoshi, Inter, Public Sans and Barlow

Let me know what your current font list choice looks like, maybe I could be inspired!

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Why My Opinion on NextJS is Changing

I have been the greatest fan of NextJS, but I believe there is more hype to the framework. My opinion about NextJS is changing and I am considering switching to Remix or Just the old plain React. Here is why I think NextJS is overhyped.

NextJS, which is a react framework that enables developers create full-stack React-based web applications with server-side rendering and static website generation, is currently in version 14. Ironically, React is currently in version 18 despite being released in 2013 while NextJS was released in 2016. Undoubtedly the framework is way over its head.

One of the major concerns is that NextJS packages and ships Experimental React Features, and marks them as stable, ultimately using developers as guinea pigs for new features. Shipping experimental react features such as useServer significantly introduces a lot of bugs into NextJS code, requiring the work of a bounty hunter!

Make Money By Hacking?? Bug Bounty Guide (Resources) | by Om Arora |  InfoSec Write-ups

Call me a noob but I have not experienced any improvement in performance after switching to NextJS. As a matter of fact, my application has gotten too slow compared to applications created using React. However, other developers have reported perfomance improvements after switching to NextJS. I presume I have not been able to fully leverage NextJS server-side rendering and data fetching.

Another significant issue is that Vercel  has made it exceedingly difficult to host NextJS code in other hosting service providers such as Netlify. But part of the problem is that the line between Next.js and Vercel is very thin so if you're not deploying on Vercel, you're actually using a different framework from what's documented in the Next.js docs and it's not always clear what those differences are because Vercel isn't incentivized to invest time in that.
We can argue about whether Vercel is right or wrong about their current approach. But the fact remains that if Vercel’s pricing or other things become a problem for you, getting off of Vercel will also be a problem. It comes back down to the incentives, although the company still remains unprofitable

Let me know what you guys think about NextJS. PS this website is built using NEXTJS!

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Role of AI in Mass Censorship

The rise of GenAI such as ChatGPT and Gemini has ushered in a new era in human revolution. This era has fairly been predicted as having catastrophic consequences for humanity. However, as people worry about AI enslaving us, they often overlook one major problem. Mass censorship!

Search engines like Google and Bing are integrating AI, promising a smoother, more relevant online experience. But who decides what's "relevant"? The corporations behind these platforms have a troubling history of cooperating with governments to restrict information access.

Take the example of the recent Gemini catastrophe. The launch of Gemini on Feb 2024 served to prove this point. Google took online to apologize after anti-woke heretics such as Elon Musk criticized Gemini for generating mixed-race images of American founding fathers.

While this incident might seem isolated, it has proven that governments are more likely to weaponize AI for mass censorship.  While AI is efficient, it could be used to filter search results based on undisclosed criteria to hide dissenting ideas.

While this might sound paranoid, these things are happening in nations such as China and South Korea. Conditions for internet users in these nations remain oppressive, with users facing criminal penalties for accessing or sharing certain information. This is a severe violation of freedom of speech.Gemini-Censorship

Imagine what such governments could achieve with AI censorship. Governments will not only be able to filter out information and spoon-feed the public but will have the right to decide what you see and hear.

Therefore, as AI advances, We must demand transparency from search engines about how AI algorithms rank information. We need strong legal safeguards against government influence on online searches.
Governments are currently rushing to regulate AI. However, such regulations only serve to empower government censorship capabilities.  But as the integration of GenAI becomes ubiquitous in everyday technology it is not a given that search, word processing, and email will continue to allow humans to be fully in control.

The perspectives are frightening.

Imagine a world where your word processor prevents you from analyzing, criticizing, lauding, or reporting on a topic deemed “harmful” by an AI programmed to only process ideas that are “respectful and appropriate for all.”  


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Best Programming Langauges to Learn in 2024

As a jobless full-stack software engineer, I always dream of learning PHP so i can easily buy a Lambo like the rest of PHP developers. However, the ultimate glitch of money making as a programmer is to teach others programming - what a pyramid scheme. Consider this my new way of passing my knowldge to you. Here is a list programming langauges that are more valuable and in demand in 2024.

1. JavaScript

Last year JavaScript was at the top of the coding languages for beginners, StackOverflow survey report and this year it will be also one of the most popular languages among developers. Android, iOS, or desktop JavaScript is almost everywhere and in best programming languages.

JavaScript is providing ultimate business solutions and that is the reason it is on the top of the list for a tech startup and for tech giant companies as well. If you are looking for a job quickly and easily then JavaScript opens a lot of opportunities for you in the job market.

JavaScript is now used for both the frontend and backend side. There are so many frameworks and libraries available for JavaScript that are quite popular among web developers such as AngularJs, React, Vue, Meteor, and a lot more.

Key Features of JavaScript:

  • Interpreted, light-weighted, Object-oriented programming.
  • Annual updates.
  • Used for both server-side and client-side programming.
  • Compatible with several programming languages
  • 629K+ Repositories on GitHub.

Companies working on JavaScript: Google, Facebook, Dell, eBay, PayPal, Uber

JavaScript Code Example:

// JavaScript program to add two numbers
function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;
console.log(add(2, 3));  

2. Python

If we talk about easy-to-read, easy-to-learn, and coding languages for beginners then nothing can beat Python to come in the list of best programming language and that makes it an excellent choice for beginners. Python is now being introduced as the very first language in the majority of universities all over the globe.

Django, Flask, and Pyramid these all Python frameworks that are popular among developers. Python syntax is user-friendly in comparison to other languages and that increases developers’ productivity eventually. These all are the reason it is among one of the Top Programming languages. 

Key Features Of Python:

  • Open source and object-oriented.
  • Can be integrated with C and C++.
  • Cross-browser support.
  • Career in various fields such as Scripting, Web Development, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Big Data.
  • 1M+ repositories on GitHub.

Companies working on Python: Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Paytm, Netflix, Quora.

Python Code Example:

# Python program to add two numbers
def add(a, b):
    return a + b

print(add(2, 3))

3. Java

Whether you are in the programming field or not you must have definitely heard about this popular programming language. The reason why Java is on the list of top programming languages is that there are so many large organizations still working on this language.

Java is widely used in Android app development and for building enterprise-scale web applications. Google has also created an excellent Java-based Android development framework – Android Studio.

There was a little bit decline in the popularity of Java but Spring Boot (the framework of Java) is gaining enormous popularity these days because of some of the recent refinement in the frameworks done recently. The recent update in this framework made it fantastic and probably, it will boost up in the future as well.

Key Features of Java

Companies working on Java: HCL, Adobe, Intuit, Qualcomm, Flipkart, Amazon.

Java Code Example:

 // Java program to add two numbers
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a = 6, b = 3;
        System.out.println("Sum: " + (a + b)); 


Sum: 9

4. C and C++

Surely python and JavaScript are easy-to-learn and easy-to-use languages for most of the applications but when it comes to choosing the fastest language then C and C++ are the best choices and it is one of the top programming languages in the programming world.

A lot of low-level stuff such as operating systems, file systems, embedded systems, and kernel development can be built using C or C++. Almost all the modern and popular languages today inherit the properties of C and C++. C++ is still used in Microsoft Windows and Google projects. Apple also uses C++ language to develop its iOS operating system.

Key Features of C and C++

  • C++ is an object-oriented programming language.
  • Availability of ready-to-use STL libraries in C++.
  • Used in Game development, GUI applications, Desktop applications, and real-time mathematical simulations.
  • 7M+ repositories for C and 560K+ repositories for C++ on Github

Companies working on C and C++: eBay, Spotify, Adobe, Oracle, HP, Huawei, IBM, PhonePe

C Code Example:

 // C program to add two numbers
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int a = 2, b = 5;
    printf("Sum: %d", a + b);  


Sum: 7

C++ Code Example:

// C++ program to add two numbers
#include <iostream>
int main() {
    int a = 2, b = 3;
    std::cout << "Sum: " << a + b;  
    return 0;
Sum: 5

5. GoLang

GoLang was developed by Google and it is also a simple language and top programming Languages like Python so people who love to work on Python, they will definitely love this language as well. This language is pretty much already popular and scaling quite a lot at the backend services.

In past years this language didn’t get much popularity but in 2024 it will be rising quite a lot. Go language is more efficient than C++ and it provides features to write concurrent programs that are difficult in other programming languages. Revel, Beego, Martini, Gin all are popular frameworks of this language.

Key Features Of GoLang:

  • Excellent support for multithreading.
  • Fast and easy to learn syntax.
  • Ideal for building SPAs (single-page applications).
  • Can be used in a Distributed System, Big data, Cloud Computing, and other large-scale or complex applications.
  • 729K+ repositories on GitHub.

Companies working on Golang: Uber, Google, Dailymotion, Fabric, Medium.

GoLang Code Example:

 // Go program to add two numbers
package main

import "fmt"

func add(a int, b int) int {
    return a + b

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Sum:", add(2, 3)) 


Sum: 5

6. Swift

Swift programming language is developed by Apple used to develop iOS applications. We all know the popularity of iOS applications in the market so it’s not going anywhere in 2024 as well. It is best programming languages among iOS development languages.

Earlier we just had one single option, Swift, to enter iOS development but now we also have the option of Flutter and React native in the iOS market so you will see a little bit of a decline in the popularity of this language. Still, some of the things can only be done in Swift language (ex-payment stuff) so definitely, it’s worth learning Swift programming language. Cocoa and CloudKit these two are popular frameworks of Swift programming language.

Key Features of Swift:

  • Used in iOS applications, MacOS development, TvOS development, and the whole Apple ecosystem.
  • Scalable and easy to add new features.
  • Easy-to-read syntax
  • Automatic memory management prevents memory leaks.
  • Fast in comparison of Objective-C and Python.
  • 161K+ repositories on GitHub

Companies working on Swift: Apple, Amazon, Walmart, Uber, Slack.

Swift Code Example:

// Function to add two numbers directly from arguments
func add(_ num1: Int, _ num2: Int) -> Int {
  return num1 + num2

// Example usage (directly passing values)
let sum = add(10, 20)

print("The sum is: \(sum)")
The sum is: 30

7. Kotlin

Kotlin was one of the best programming languages in 2024 and the popularity will definitely increase in 2025 as well. When it comes to Android app development Kotlin has become a recent choice for developers.

It can be used with both frontend and backend frameworks. The language comes with features such as interoperability with Java as well as Android Studio support. You can do amazing things with fewer bugs and fewer lines of code using Kotlin.

Some of the popular frameworks are Ktor, Vertex, and Spring. You all know the popularity of Android in the market so Kotlin opens a lot of job opportunities to the developers. 

Key Features of Kotlin:

  • Object-oriented and cross-platform programming language.
  • Secure and flexible.
  • Easy to debug.
  • 79K+ repositories on GitHub.

Companies working on Kotlin: Airtel, Lenskart, Pinterest, Basecamp, Slack, Trello, Google, Netflix.

Kotlin Code Example:

// Kotlin program to add two numbers
fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
    return a + b

fun main() {
    println("Sum: ${add(2, 3)}")  // Output: Sum: 5

8. C#

C# is the one of the top programming languages that is developed by Microsoft and it is still a quite popular programming language used in web development, game development (X-box, virtual reality, and Unity 3D games), and in Windows applications.

It has a comprehensive set of libraries that makes the execution and compilation of the program very fast. It is majorly used with the Dot Net framework(.NET). 

Key Features of C#:

  • General purpose object-oriented programming language.
  • Fully integrated with the .NET library.
  • 19K+ repositories on GitHub.

Companies working on C#: Intellectsoft, Philips, Capgemini.

C# Code Example:

// C# program to add two numbers
using System;
class Program {
    static void Main() {
        int a = 2, b = 3;
        Console.WriteLine("Sum: " + (a + b)); 


Sum: 5

9. Rust

Rust is a systems programming language known for its performance and safety, particularly safe concurrency. It has a strong focus on memory safety without using garbage collection. Rust is gaining popularity among system developers and is considered a potential replacement for languages like C and C++.

Key Features of Rust:

  • Memory safety guarantees without a garbage collector
  • High performance for system-level programming
  • Concurrency without data races
  • Rich type system and ownership model
  • 95K+ repositories on GitHub

Companies working on Rust: Mozilla, Dropbox, Yelp, Cloudflare, Prisma, npm

Rust Code Example:

fn main() {
    let a = 5;
    let b = 10;

    let sum = a + b;

    println!("The sum of {} and {} is {}", a, b, sum);
The sum of 5 and 10 is 15

10. PHP

A lot of people agree that PHP is losing its popularity day by day but we need to mention that it is still highly ranked in the market PHP is a cheap, free, and easy-to-use language. Approx. 70-80% of websites (Ex: Facebook, Wikipedia) are still running on PHP so there is a huge demand for PHP developers in the market.

A lot of developers or freelancers are using this language for web applications. Beginners can also choose this language because there is less competition in the market due to the popularity of Python and JavaScript languages.

Codeignitor, Laravel, CakePHP, and Symfony all are popular frameworks of PHP to make dynamic web applications. 

Key Features Of PHP:

  • Functional and Object-Oriented Programming
  • Platform independent.
  • Easy to get started for making web pages.
  • A lot of automation tools are available for testing and deployment.
  • 540K+ repositories on Github

Companies working on PHP: Oracle, HCL, Motorola, Facebook.

PHP Code Example:

$number1 = 10;
$number2 = 20;
$sum = $number1 + $number2;
echo "The sum of $number1 and $number2 is: $sum";
The sum of 10 and 20 is: 30

Top 10 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2024 – Comparison Table

Programming LanguageKey FeaturesPopular UsesCompanies Using ItAverage Salary
JavaScriptVersatile, client-side scripting, frameworksWeb development, front-end & back-endGoogle, Facebook, PayPal, Uber, Netflix$110,000
PythonEasy-to-learn, versatile, extensive librariesWeb development, AI, ML, data scienceGoogle, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Netflix$120,000
JavaObject-oriented, platform-independentAndroid apps, enterprise-scale applicationsAmazon, Flipkart, Adobe, Intuit, Qualcomm$115,000
C/C++Fast, efficient, system programmingOperating systems, game development, embedded systemseBay, Spotify, Adobe, Oracle, IBM$125,000
GoConcurrency support, efficientBackend services, large-scale applicationsGoogle, Uber, Medium, Dailymotion, Fabric$130,000
SwiftiOS/macOS development, modern syntaxiOS applications, Apple ecosystemApple, Amazon, Uber, Slack, Walmart$115,000
KotlinInteroperable with Java, concise syntaxAndroid apps, backend developmentGoogle, Pinterest, Trello, Slack, Netflix$110,000
C#Object-oriented, .NET integrationWeb development, game development, Windows applicationsMicrosoft, Intellectsoft, Philips, Capgemini$120,000
RustMemory safety, system programmingSystem software, high-performance applicationsMozilla, Dropbox, Discord, Coursera, AWS$130,000
PHPServer-side scripting, easy integrationWeb development, dynamic websites, content management systemsFacebook, Wikipedia, WordPress, Slack, Mailchimp$105,000

Note on Average Salary: The average salary figures provided are approximate and can vary based on factors such as location, level of experience, and specific industry demands. They serve as a general guideline to understand the earning potential associated with each programming language.


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Opinion Article: How Will AI Video Generation Affect Crime Investigation?

 Artificial intelligence (AI) in criminal justice has been pervasive for some time and will only grow in the future. AI’s impact on the criminal justice system in 2023 is immense, with significant influence on crime monitoring and prevention, judicial and correctional systems, and many other criminal justice practices. It’s not difficult to spot AI’s impact on public safety and criminal justice, from traffic safety systems to crime forecasts, criminal pattern recognition, and more. Even those who never expect to encounter the system are impacted by the use of AI in criminal justice in some fashion.

The use of AI in criminal justice is here to stay. As per a survey of criminal justice professionals, 48% believe AI technology will make policing more effective. Only 32% of criminal justice professionals believe AI can reduce racial bias in policing.

While AI has many fundamental roles in the criminal justice system, one major concern why I am writing this article is the ability of AI to generate videos. The ability of AI models such as SORA to generate highly realistic videos poses a significant challenge to criminal justice investigations.

Counterfeit Evidence

This technology can potentially be used to create false evidence, implicate innocent individuals, or exonerate the guilty. AI videos and deepfakes are also getting super realistic, which poses a significant challenge for law enforcement to identify between real and fake videos. This will potentially increase the time taken to process legal evidence.

Criminals may use AI to generate fake evidence, such as photos or videos, to discredit legitimate investigations or manipulate legal proceedings. This could include creating counterfeit crime scene images or doctoring surveillance footage to obstruct justice.

While other AI models can also help analyze video evidence to identify patterns that humans might miss, this will also increase the complexity of investigations. AIs are also known to be biased and highly inaccurate, which is especially crucial in a case scenario where an erroneous judgment might deem innocent individuals guilty.

Determining the authenticity of video evidence will require specialized expertise and resources, making investigations more complex and time-consuming.

Identity Theft

AI videos will make it easier for criminals to impersonate others convincingly. They can create fake identification documents or social media profiles, posing as law enforcement officers or even victims of crimes. This can lead to confusion, and false accusations, and undermine the credibility of genuine law enforcement efforts.

Detecting AI-generated materials is a challenge to law enforcement, which implies an increase in costs and time taken to solve crimes. Attempts to regulate who can use AI will also be futile since such attempts can be deemed unlawful and discriminatory.

Convincing the Jury

The use of AI in criminal law is especially problematic due to the potential consequences of making liberty-depriving decisions based on an algorithm. Society may trust these algorithms too much and make decisions based on their predictions, even if the technology may not be as “intelligent” as it appears.

There is a significant concern that such videos could easily sway the jury's opinion, effectively clouding their decisions. Previous highly charged emotional cases that have had extensive media coverage have always resulted in jury bias toward the defendants, even though the evidence might be fake or hearsay.


The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence presents both promising opportunities and daunting challenges for law enforcement agencies. To effectively navigate this dynamic landscape, several key recommendations emerge:

  •  Invest in AI Training: Law enforcement personnel must receive comprehensive training on AI technologies, their applications, and potential risks. This training should encompass both technical aspects and ethical considerations, empowering officers to make informed decisions when handling AI-generated content.
  • Collaboration with Technology Companies: Establishing partnerships with technology companies and researchers is vital. These collaborations can foster the development of AI tools specifically designed to detect and combat AI-generated threats, such as deepfakes and simulated CSAM.
  • Legislative and Policy Frameworks: Policymakers should enact clear and robust laws and regulations that criminalize the creation and distribution of AI-generated malicious content. These frameworks should also address the ethical implications and privacy concerns associated with AI in law enforcement.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Law enforcement agencies, technology experts, legislators, and ethical advisors must work collaboratively to strike a balance between preventing AI misuse and encouraging legitimate AI applications.
  • Public Awareness and Education: Raising public awareness about the risks associated with AI-generated content is essential. Educational campaigns can help individuals identify and report such content effectively.

In summary, the ability to generate realistic videos using AI is a double-edged sword. These videos could help frame innocent individuals and also increase the complexity of crime investigations. When it gets difficult to differentiate what's real from fiction, innocent individuals will get hurt.

At what point will deep fakes, AI video, and photo editing make photo and video evidence completely obsolete in a court of law? This was a sci-fi plot point in Iain Banks's Culture series novel “The Player of Games,” published in 1988.


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