Tech Tales Community Guidelines
Tech Tales is a blog for tech students, enthusiasts and professionals where we share, learn and grow. This is a community where we always treat each other with respect and help each other succeed.
Community Guidelines
Keep It Relevant
Only share the most relevant content on technology. Examples include web development, data analysis, cloud computing, machine learning, e.t.c
We encourage comments on technology subjects, written in an intelligent and constructive manner. Certain contents with misleading or deceptive information are not allowed in Tech Tales. Remember to only post useful information that others can benefit from.
Do not Spam
Avoid spamming content and only offer constructive criticism
Constructive criticisms of Tech Tales upon which we can act or to which we can respond are allowed. However repeated duplicate postings (spam) by the same user are not permitted, as they clutter up discussions for other users. We will also remove comments subject to legal issues (slander, defamation, contempt of court) and any publicizing/encouraging/endorsing illegal activity.
Be Kind and Respectful Towards Others
Treat others how you would like to be treated and be polite even when you disagree with their opinion.
Tech Tales allows individuals to share information that they have found useful to them and could be beneficial to others, without any promise for any monetary reward or special treatment. Kindly be respectful towards the authors. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be polite, even if you disagree. Abusive language, aggression and bullying/trolling are not allowed. Content with overt religious or political bias intended to incite others, or aggressive lobbying that disrupts the community for other Tech Tales users, will be removed.
Keep it Original
Copy paste CTRL + C CTRL + V is the greatest discovery for mankind but avoid it at all costs.
Impersonating brands or other users, or featuring licensed or copyright material, is not allowed. Content containing unverified or false claims about products will be removed. We also encourage authors and users to avoid posting AI generated content.
Child Safety and Fighting Hate
Post content that is tailored to audiences of all ages and avoid spreading hate. You never know who is reading!
Content posted to Tech Tales should be age appropriate and gender neutral. Content that is unsuitable for younger audiences or promotes hate or violence against groups based on protected attributes such as age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status will be removed. This policy also includes harmful behavior such as deliberately insulting or shaming minors, threats, bullying, or encouraging abusive fan behavior.
Be Helpful and You will be helped
Helping others will help make you feel like a senior developer!
Finally, Tech Tales retains the right to remove any content posted to Tech Tales or block users from posting for any other reason deemed necessary, to create a helpful community.
Tell us if you see abusive content!
If you see something you believe may violate our policies, whether in profiles, posts, messages, comments, or anywhere else, please report it to us. You can report content by emailing us at